My Pets
My Results

Tell us about yourself

Pet intro image Pet intro image

Are you hooman to a cat or dog?

What is your dog's name?

What is your cat's name?

Why are you looking to change {pet name}'s diet?

Please select all relevant for {pet name}

Tell us some more about {pet name}

{pet name} is the goodest…

And what breed are they?

When is {pet name}'s birthday?

And what is his weight?

And what is her weight?

How active is {pet name}?

His body condition is currently...

Her body condition is currently...

Did you know that unintentional weight fluctuations can be a sign of poor gut health?

{pet name} currently eats

What ratio of wet to dry food?

Wet / Dry

Made by

Does {pet name} have any allergies or dislikes?

Select all that apply

Add another allergy/dislike

We avoid common allergens like gluten, soy, egg, dairy and red meat from all our recipes

And finally, which best represents {pet name}’s current poops?

Hard balls

Soft blobs

Perfect Poop!

Very lump log

Watery soup

Slide across to the most fitting poop

We’ve helped over 75% of floof’s improve their poops in under two weeks with our gut-friendly recipes.

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