Dogs Christmas Dinner: Do's and Don'ts

Ah Christmas dinner, our most beloved meal of the year! Filled with all sorts of delicious food and treats, there’s no blaming you for wanting to share some with your furry best friend. However, many festive foods are unsafe for dogs to eat and should be avoided at all costs to keep everyone jolly on December 25th. Let’s break down the do’s and don’ts of a dog’s Christmas dinner.

Dog Christmas Dinner Do’s: What’s Safe For Dogs To Eat On Christmas?

Dog's Christmas dinner Do's and Don'ts

Christmas Turkey

The Christmas turkey is undoubtedly the holy grail of Christmas dinner. And, luckily for your pooch, adding cooked turkey to your dog’s Christmas dinner is perfectly safe. Make sure to debone any piece of turkey that you give your pup and remove the skin. 

Turkey skin is high in fat and difficult for dogs to digest so it’s impawtent to remove this to reduce the risk of them developing an upset tummy or worse yet pancreatitis. Turkey skin is also highly seasoned with salt which is unhealthy for dogs, as well as other herbs and ingredients such as garlic which is considered toxic for dogs.

Roast Potatoes

Deliciously golden on the outside and soft and fluffy on the inside, roast potatoes are also a safe and yummy treat to add to your dog’s Christmas dinner. Just make sure they’re plain and not slathered in butter, salt or garlic which is harmful for doggies.

Carrots, Green Beans, and Brussel Sprouts

These wintery vegetables are also safe for your dog’s Christmas dinner. Packed with vitamins and minerals such as Vitamin A and K for eye and skin health as well as Calcium and Folate for strong bones and energy production, they’re perfectly healthy for your pooch to eat. Again, make sure there’s no added butter, salt or seasonings as dogs find these difficult to digest.

Christmas Ham

Small slices of Christmas ham are also safe for your pooch to munch on. Again, ensure to remove any of the glazing or seasoning to prevent tummy upsets. As ham is high in saturated fat and salt, only small pieces should be added to your dog’s Christmas dinner.  


If you’re a bit of a whizz in the kitchen and are making your own cranberry sauce at home, a few fresh cranberries are safe to add to your dog’s Christmas dinner to give it that festive flare. However, cranberry sauce, particularly if it’s store-bought should be avoided as it contains high levels of added sugar which is unhealthy for floofs. They may also contain artificial additives and preservatives, or include other ingredients such as raisins or nuts which dogs should avoid.

Dog Christmas Dinner Don’ts: What To Avoid In Your Dog’s Christmas Dinner

Cooked Bones

Whilst it might be tempting to “give your dog a bone”, cooked bones are a no no when it comes to a dog’s Christmas dinner. All bones pose choking risks as well as the potential to crack your dog’s teeth or cut their mouths or digestive tracts. Cooked bones such as turkey or chicken bones pose a further risk if your dog swallows them due to their brittleness as they are much more susceptible to splintering in your dog’s stomach which can cause life-threatening punctures.


From the treats in your Christmas bonbons to the bowl of sweets on the dessert table, chocolate is all around us during the festive period. However, chocolate should never form any part of a dog’s Christmas dinner, no matter how well-behaved your floof has been. Chocolate contains caffeine and a chemical called theobromine which is toxic for dogs. Dark chocolate is the most poisonous for doggies even in small amounts, followed by milk chocolate, so if your dog gets themselves into any of these sweets, call your vet or Animal Poison Line straight away.

Fruit Cake and Mince Pies

Grapes, raisins, currants, sultanas and cherries, are highly toxic for dogs, so unfortunately throwing them a fruit mince pie is a definite don’t if you want to avoid a trip to the vet this Christmas. These fruits are toxic in their fresh form but are even more poisonous for dogs when dried. Call your vet immediately if you suspect your dog has gotten into the Christmas pudding whilst you’re not looking.

Sage and Onion Stuffing

Although the stuffing can sometimes be even tastier than the turkey itself, it’s another Christmas delight that your dog needs to avoid. The onion and garlic that are in Christmas stuffing contain chemicals called disulfides and thiosulphates which are toxic for dogs and can damage their red blood cells.

 Yorkshire Puddings

A staple of any good Christmas dinner, the Yorkshire pudding is a British icon. However, Yorkshire puddings as well as other processed carbs such as bread should be avoided in your dog’s Christmas dinner. High-carb and high-fat diets can increase the risk of your dog developing acute pancreatitis, so it’s safest to stick to simple carbs such as fresh vegetables and whole grains.


This is an obvious one, but your dog should absolutely, no way, be getting boozy with the rest of the furmily. Dogs can’t metabolise and break down alcohol so it can build up in their blood causing toxicity. If your dog has sneaked themselves a Christmas tipple call your vet straight away to seek the best course of action.

 Or Stay Safe With Scrumbles Dog Food

As you can see there’s a lot to consider when feeding your dog anything from the Christmas table. Although they may look up at you with endearing puppy dog eyes, it’s impawtent to think twice before letting them gobble down scraps from your plate.

Why not take the guesswork out of preparing your dog’s Christmas dinner by feeding them a safe and highly nutritious Christmas dog food such as our grain free turkey wet dog food?

Scrumbles Turkey Wet Dog Food

It’s packed with 70% delicious turkey, and free from nasty additives like artificial preservatives, salt and sugar.

We also add the powerful prebiotic slippery elm bark to soothe sensitive tummies and promote pretty poops. With a dash of carrots and fresh cranberries, it’s the safest and most digestible dog Christmas dinner out!

Whilst you're here, why not read: 

1. Best Cat Christmas Jumpers.

2. Breed guide ; lurcher.

3. Signs your dog needs to be neutered.

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