How Much Does It Cost to Have Your Dog’s Teeth Cleaned?

As a loving pooch pawrent you have a lot of responsibility when it comes to maintaining your pooch’s health. One aspect of a dog’s well-being that is commonly overlooked is dental health. Dental disease is the most common health problem affecting British dogs with 12.5% of dogs in the UK suffering in silence. 

Other than brushing your dog’s teeth daily and slipping them a dental treat every now and then, the best way to maintain your dog’s oral health is through regular vet dental check-ups and dog teeth cleaning. Unfortunately, dog teeth cleaning cost can be high as doggies need to go under general anaesthetic (GA) for it to happen. But how much does it cost to have your dog’s teeth cleaned? In this guide, we’ll answer the most commonly asked questions about dog teeth cleaning so that you can be best prepared the next time you take your pup to the dentist.   

Why Your Dog’s Teeth Need to Be Professionally Cleaned

Before we break down dog teeth cleaning cost, let’s delve into the impawtent reasons why you should be taking your pooch to the doggy dentist in the first place.

  1. Removal of Tartar: After your dog finishes their scrummy dog food dinner, plaque, food particles, and bacteria gather around their teeth and gums. Plaque can be brushed away, however even if you are brushing your dog’s teeth daily (which you should be), plaque can still build up, particularly in hard-to-reach areas of your dog’s mouth such as the back of their jaw or below the gum line. Eventually, plaque hardens into tartar which irritates your dog’s gums and can lead to tooth decay and periodontal disease. Plaque cannot be brushed away with a toothbrush and needs to be removed with specialised dental tools.
  1. Monitoring of Your Dog’s Oral Health: Having your dog’s teeth cleaned by their vet is a great way to have a professional eye monitor your dog’s oral health. Before dog teeth cleaning, your vet will examine your pooch’s teeth and gums and may order further investigations such as blood tests and X-rays. This way, any other oral health conditions that may have been missed by not having your dog’s teeth assessed and cleaned, can be picked up early and managed effectively.
  1. Maintenance of Your Dog’s Overall Health: Maintaining fresh dental health, isn’t just about your dog’s teeth. Dental disease can cause infections elsewhere in the body which can lead to heart and kidney dysfunction.
  1. Freshens Breath: If anything, professional teeth cleaning will help freshen your dog’s breath so that you don’t have to duck for cover the next time your dog tries to give you a smooch.

How Much Does Dog Teeth Cleaning Cost?

Dog teeth cleaning cost can vary greatly depending on where in the country you live and the state of your dog’s oral health. However, on average, dog teeth cleaning will set you back between £150 - £500. It’s impawtent to also be mindful that dog teeth cleaning cost may be higher if they need any extractions or other forms of dental treatment. 

Why is Dog Teeth Cleaning Cost So High?

As you can see, dog teeth cleaning can cause a serious dent in the wallet so it’s useful to factor this cost into your dog’s yearly healthcare budget. The reason why dog teeth cleaning cost is so high is that they require a lot more intervention at the doggy dentist than you or I would at our own.

For dogs to tolerate teeth cleaning, they need to be put under GA. This is for the safety of your pooch as well as your vet. X-rays or CT scans may also be needed to assess parts of your dog’s teeth, jaw and soft tissue that can’t be seen by the naked eye. These, along with any blood tests and medication such as antibiotics and anti-inflammatories, are incorporated into the cost which can make it add up.

How Often Should My Dog Get Their Teeth Cleaned by the Vet?

Once a year is usually enough for your dog to go to the vet for a dental check-up and teeth cleaning. However, some dogs particularly small breeds such as toy poodles, pugs, and Cavalier King Charles spaniels may need to be taken more often as they have a higher risk than others at developing dental disease. 

My Dog Groomer Offers Cheap Dog Teeth Cleaning – Can I Take My Dog Here Instead?

Many dog groomers offer dog teeth cleaning at extremely affordable prices between £15-30 per session. The low cost is due to the cleaning method. Dog groomers on the whole are not medical specialists like veterinarians. Therefore they cannot put your dog under general anaesthetic or order special tests and scans.

Many dog groomers offer ultrasonic teeth brushing, where they brush your dog’s teeth whilst they are awake with a special electric toothbrush. This ultrasonic toothbrush generates high-frequency sound waves to break up plaque and tartar that are visible to the naked eye. This is great for cleaning visible parts of your dog’s smile however it won’t be able to reach underneath the gumline which is the most important area to clean to prevent gum and periodontal disease.

Overall, dog teeth cleaning by the dog groomer is absolutely fine as an adjunct to professional vet dental treatment. However just remember, you can do the exact same job as the groomer at home with your own specialised dog toothbrush. 

How to Reduce Dog Teeth Cleaning Cost With Scrumbles Dog Dental Treats

A great way to save on dog teeth cleaning cost is to use our Gnashers Dog Dental Treats.

They contain the active ingredient SHMP which is scientifically proven to reduce plaque by 80%. This helps maintain your pooch’s oral health, reducing the cost of pricey dental treatment.

They’re loaded with protein and contain the gut-loving prebiotic slippery elm bark to aid digestion and make for pretty poops.

They’re free from added sugar and baked to a crunch which also helps fight plaque by rubbing it off through mechanical abrasions, perfect for targeting those hard-to-reach areas like the back of your doggy’s mouth.

Scrumbles Dental Dog Treats


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