Siberian Cat Breed Guide

Agile - Playful - Fearless

The Siberian cat is a charming, large cat who can make a great addition to many homes. Since their introduction, Siberian cats have quickly gained popularity around the world for their striking looks and affable personality.

Boo, our very own Siberian cat is a playful, affectionate soul. Would you like to know more about Siberian cats? Or are you considering if a Siberian cat would be the right cat for you? Keep reading for our breed guide on Siberian kitties.

Siberian Cat Breed Basics:

Average lifespan: 10 to 18 years

Average weight: 3.5-8 kg 

Colours: A wide range of colours and patterns

Siberian Cat

History of Siberian cats

The exact year Siberian cats appeared is unknown but they are are thought to have existed for at least 1,000 years.

They have a natural talent at catching rats and mice. This led to shops and farms introducing Siberians to help hunt rodents. The Siberian cats’ regal appearance didn't go unnoticed for long with the first TICA recognition in 1992.

It wasn’t just their wizardly looks, though. They attracted international fame for their funny, friendly nature. Siberian cats have been bred since the 1980s and first appeared in the UK in 2002. So what you see when you look at a Sibirskaya koshka (that’s their name in their native Russian tongue) is all natural and has been shaped by the cruel winters and hot summers of Siberia.

How much do Siberian cats cost?

Siberian's can cost anywhere between £350 to £2500 for a healthy kitty from a safe home. 

Don't forget to check out rehoming charities for floof's in need of a loving home!

Siberian cat temperament

Like our Boo, Siberian cats are playful, affectionate and love spending time with their family, including children. They'll follow you around and be ready to greet you when you come home.

Siberian cats have a cute soft meow. They couldn’t be further from the idea of the “aloof cat” and think it’s pawsome to jump on laps for cuddles. Learn how to pet your cat and they'll happily allow you to shower them with lots of affection. They are compassionate souls and have been known to pick up on signals and devote extra attention to humans that are having a bad day. Siberian cats are gentle giants with a calm demeanour despite cheeky feline frolics.

How big are Siberian cats?

Siberian cats are still kittens until they’re five years old, but once fully-grown Siberian’s they are one of the larger sized cats, albeit not quite the size of a Maine coon. Females can weigh from 3.5 to 6kg and males 5.5 to 8kg and sometimes even larger. Siberian cats are normally about 30cm tall. They have big round paws with tufts of fur between their toes and a muscly, sturdy build.

Siberian cats naturally have a nice fluffy belly, typically white like their chests and legs. You shouldn’t be able to feel rolls of fat but don't be alarmed by a round fluffy belly. Help keep your cat healthy by feeding a high quality, natural, animal protein rich diet like Scrumbles. Our range of natural dry cat food has up to 97% animal protein. Choose from salmon or chicken. The high meat content and optimal omega 6 and 3 ratio helps keep their luscious fur silky and de-matted.

Siberian cats grooming needs

Siberian cats have a long naturally oily coat which protects them from the freezing temperatures of the tundra and the beating sun in the summer months. Luckily their luscious locks don’t tend to matt or tangle, probably because you have to be quite low maintenance living in the snow forests of Siberia.

They're typically fond of water but their fur is water repellent. It can take around fifteen minutes to wet the coat – then even longer to wash out any shampoo you’ve used. If you don’t rinse it out, they can get dandruff so it’s best to just lightly brush them every day or at least once a week. Their extra fluffy ears need to be kept clean too with cotton wool or a soft, clean damp cloth.  

Are Siberian cats hypoallergenic?

Siberian cats are believed to produce less of the protein that typically affects people with allergies. Coupled with the fact that they only shed twice a year means they're a more suitable companion for those with allergies. Also, worth noting that girl cats tend to produce less of the protein than male cats.

Do Siberian cats shed?

Siberian cats typically shed just twice yearly: in spring to lose our winter coats and in autumn to lose the light summer covering and grow in a thick furmidable one for the cold weather. If you don’t brush them at these times they can ingest a lot of the hair shedded and suffer from dreaded fur balls.

Siberian cats health watch-out

As cats they can be affected by usual feline problems, but in general tend to be a strong, healthy breed. Unfortunately, many Siberian cats carry the hereditary condition hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, which causes swelling of the heart and is the most common heart disease in kitties. You can talk to your vet about early screening of cats’ hearts with an ultrasound and using anti-coagulants like aspirin to thin the blood.

Are Siberian cats' indoor cats?

Siberian cats are high energy and very playful but can be very happy being indoor cats as long as there’s lots to entertain us and access to the outdoors for mental stimulation – there are some great catios to keep them safe and offer a taste of the outdoors, which is important for their mental health. Check out our tips on environmental stimulation for indoor cats.

Siberian cats are known as a dog-like breeds and need to release energy through play and exploration. Some Siberians can be taken for walks on a harness every meow and then; they prefer cat harnesses over collars and it’s best to get your kitty used to wearing one as early as possible. As Siberian cats adore chasing things and playing fetch as long as there’s room to run around they’ll have a happy life inside your home.

Cat Harness

Do Siberian cats get along with dogs?

Siberian cats are playful and curious, and love interacting with other cats, dogs and children – they’re particularly patient creatures. They enjoy forming close relationships with their family, whether they’re the human or fluffy kind.

Are Siberian cats vocal?

Siberians purr a lot and like to make adorable little meows and cute cat sounds to let you know what’s going on but are not known as a particularly vocal cat. If you’ve been out all day though it’s likely your Siberian cat will have a lot to say to you once you are home.

As they’re not known for being loud, if you notice excessive vocalisation it could mean your cat is in pain or anxious about something.

Can you train a Siberian cat?

Siberian cats are intelligent problem solvers and it’s common for them to teach themselves how to open a door if they think they're parents are on the other side. They're known to instigate a game of fetch and anything can become a toy so don’t leave out precious items.

They can usually be trained to walk on leashes and use scratching posts. If you look at videos online, you will see many examples of Siberian cats doing impressive tricks.

Do Siberian cats like water?

Water – where? Siberian cats love water! Their ancestors were used to staying out in all types of extreme weather playing in the rain, sleet, and thick snow that blanketed the forest floors.  The triple coated fur is designed to handle wet conditions, so getting wet won't bother them as much as other cats. Don’t be surprised if your Siberian cat joins you in the shower or bathtub…

Who would make a perfect pet pawrent for a Siberian cat?

Somebody who will love them, play with them, and adore them – Siberian cats are incredibly affectionate and thrive in a social environment. They don’t just want to be admired from afar.

You're perfect for a Siberian cat if you will be there for them and not looking for a more independent cat who comes and goes every few days.

If you have a big boisterous family with children, the more the merrier! Equally a Siberian cat will give enough affection to delight a single human or couple who have other pets.

Now, to sum up in Russian: Sibirskaya koshka mozhet proiskhodit' iz kholodnogo klimata, no u neye teploye, obozhayushcheye serdtse - ne mogli by vy dat' nam vsyu lyubov', v kotoroy my nuzhdayemsya?

Siberian Cat

And in English?

Of course. The Siberian cat may come from cold climes, but it has a warm, adoring heart. Could you give us all the love we need?  

It's hard not to be won over by the Siberian cat's stunning looks and affectionate, friendly nature. If you have any questions about Siberian cats or want to share some insights into what makes yours so special, let us know in the comments. Sign up to our newsletter for more cat facts and doggy delights. 

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